10. What About "Natural" Remedies To Boost The Memory?

Natural remedies to boost your memory

Everyone from whatever part of the globe is faced with information overload, brought about by bombardment from all forms of media.  Even those who live in remote areas are not exempted, for as long as they are reached by newspapers or by television.  Even the information coming from the community members are so diverse that anyone can get information overload at one time or another.

This situation has caused a strain to the memory, forcing the memory to be selective as to the information it would have to process and to store.  The various information you are faced with make you susceptible to forgetfulness.  Because, of this, you must find ways to continuously boost your memory, either by training your memory to remember information whenever you need it, or by resorting to natural memory boosters.

Of course, you can always attend a memory-building class or buy self-help books on boosting your memory.  But wouldn't it be better if we can do that and at the same time, make sure we are physically fir by eating the right kind of food?

One of the most natural ways to keep your memory sharp is by making sure you are physically fit.  If you are able to do so, subject yourself to a yearly physical check up.  This way, you will not only know your body's over all make-up, but it will also assure you that you are physically fit. 

There is really no such thing as a good or bad memory.  People who often forget things are bound to be suffering from a certain illness, or are stressed and overworked.  By making sure that your body is free from these conditions, you are already on your way to improving your memory.

Of course, poor memory is said to be normal as people become older.  Couple age with lack of exercise, an unhealthy lifestyle and diet, and you get very poor memory.   However, there are older people who have very good memories.  It's either they take good care of themselves, or they have learned the art of improving their memory as they grow older.

Most often, people who are inactive are the ones who feel greater memory loss.  The more you keep your mind idle, the more your memory will lose track of all the information it has gathered throughout the years.  Drinking and smoking have also been linked with poor memory. 

The busy lives we lead can be blamed for the quality of food we eat.  Look around your pantry and you will see more processed food than natural food.  Even the fish, meat and vegetables we eat today are pre-cooked and frozen so that busy people can just stick it in their microwaves.    Rare are the days when a family living in an urban area, can eat fresh fish, meat and vegetables.

Other people who suffer from weak memory opt to take herbal medicines like ginseng.  Ginseng, which has been popular in Chain for a long time, has become a hit among people from all walks of life, because of its healing effect in some diseases.  It is also being used to treat Alzheimer's disease and other neurological diseases. 

Ginseng has been recommended as a natural memory booster and relaxant for those who are overworked and who stimulate their senses by drinking too much coffee.  It is also known to be a natural stress reliever.  We discuss more on Ginseng later.

Others believe that eating fish rich with oils can also help the system rid itself of toxins and improve alertness.  Experts also recommend taking essential fatty acids, B Complex Vitamins and Amino Acids to aid one's memory.

So what is it in fish that makes it a food for the brain?  Fish has a high choline content, a chemical from which acetylcholine is derived.  Acetylcholine is considered as the top chemical that aids the memory.   Aside from that, choline is also an important ingredient for building nerve cells.  The other food products rich in choline are eggs, liver and nuts.  Believe your elders when they say that eating peanuts can make you intelligent; after all, it is a rich source of choline.

Eating complex carbohydrates such as whole-wheat bread and pasta is also good for the brain.  These carbohydrates are ideal because their energy-giving glucose is slowly and consistently released into the bloodstream.  You can also make sure that you eat slow-release carbohydrates by eating them together with a protein-rich food like chicken and boiled potatoes or fish and whole-grained rice.

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